Kristine Kucera, PA-C, MPAS, DHS


August is hair loss awareness month. Although hair loss patients can be challenging, recently I listened to a very informative webcast “Root Causes: Tackling Hair Health from the Inside Out.” Dr. Glynis Ablon addresses pattern hair loss and how it affects men and women differently. She also discusses healthy hair growth and how it differs according to sex and health status, as well as how to identify root causes affecting hair growth, and the role of nutraceuticals in treatment. Invariably patients want to know “why” this is happening so it is important to let them know that you will try to identify to root cause of the hair loss, if possible.

A deep dive into the discussion of root causes of hair loss includes stress, nutrition, lifestyle, metabolism, hormones, and aging. Dr. Ablon ends with a long question and answer session that addresses practical tips on treating hair loss in the clinical setting.

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss, and data continue to suggest that even this familiar presentation may be more complex than originally thought. Researchers have shown that certain subtypes of female pattern hair loss may be associated with menstrual irregularity, polycystic ovary syndrome, and seborrhea, while affected patients are less likely to be overweight or have type 2 diabetes mellitus.

As research into hair loss progresses and new treatments emerge, we can hopefully expect to learn more about hair loss and more effectively treat it.  Try to reassure all patients presenting with loss that it is very unlikely that their condition will result in complete hair loss or baldness. Meanwhile, a link to Dr. Ablon’s webinar is here, and it’s worth a listen!

You can read about my panel discussion on hair loss with Adam Friedman, MD, from DERM2023 online.

Kristine Kucera, PA-C, MPAS, DHS, is Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Texas Southwestern, Medical Center PA Program, Dallas, TX. She is a member of the DEF Advisory Council.

